27 November 2005

FtG -- Holiday Finance Disaster

I know, I know, I was supposed to start off with basics. But I think it would be more practical to start with where we are -- the Holiday Spend-O-Rama. At no other time is there so much cultural pressure on you to do the wrong thing, wrack up consumer debt, purchase needless stuff, and generally make yourself crazy. But try, just try, telling your loved ones that you're swearing off this mercantilistic orgy, and just see what happens next. Oi! So, some reading that I found inspirational, that you might enjoy. Cancel Christmas This one's particularly good for the comparison of what kind of money you'd have if you'd boycotted christmas in 2000, and instead invested. It's really illuminating. Although having tried to explain this very concept to one relative and not been able too, apparently it's further out than I thought. UK 'must learn' Christmas finance The BBC lets us know that the Brits are just as bad about this as we are here in the States. Give It Meaning (You might need to register to view this one, but consider that part of your New Finance Info Gathering resolution, and do it anyway!). The idea in this article alone is worth the read, all by itself. I am so inspired. Check it out. Ten Tips for a Happier Holiday Pretty generic, but there's some good links on charity, and on gift guides for kids. 10 Questions for Holiday Shoppers Nice and blunt, from a "repairing your credit" standpoint. 20 Gifts Under $20 From my pals at the Dollar Stretcher, which is a fabulous site in any circumstance. Got links? Let me know what you're reading!


At 11/28/2005 09:13:00 AM, Blogger Babywearing Sales & Consulting said...

I love your ideas for Christmas and your reading list. Great inspiration there - I've only read a few. Loving Alfie Kohn, of course. He rocks. Maybe Playful Parenting is next. Good to have inspiration sometimes! (Saw your blog in your DFB siggie.)

At 11/28/2005 09:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, articles like the "Cancel Christmas" one bug me a bit. Some of the examples of investment vehicles that they gave aren't that realistic for non-savvy investors. For example, my microscopic mutual fund hasn't increased in value at all since 2000, and has only really decreased in value due to inflation. They didn't take into account the fees, etc. involved in buying invidiual stocks. And lets not forget that most savvy stock buyers spend serious time on this activity...for those of us who can earn an hourly wage with our time - time *is* money. I think that time spent learning about finances is an incredibly valuable investment. But I think we also have to be realistic that learning about sophisticated investing isn't "free" - it's time that we could use to *earn" money. Anyway, thanks very much for the timely links. Ks.

At 11/28/2005 09:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got nothing new to add except that I'm making fudge and cookies for presents this year for everyone who isn't immediate family and only buying new tins to replace ones I no longer have.

Because you may not need stuff, but you always need food! LOL


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