14 November 2006

New Post on LWOS -- Reprise of Financing the Gap

Hey gang, I know I haven't been posting here; most of my writing oomph is going into my novel for NaNoWriMo. I will be back when November's over! In the meantime, I've got a new post up at LWOS. It's a reworked, superior version of a post I launched here, originally, a long time ago. Check it out: http://lifewithoutschool.typepad.com/ or http://lifewithoutschool.typepad.com/lifewithoutschool/2006/11/the_finance_gap.html If you haven't wandered on over there, you should. There is some incredible writing, and some amazing thinking, about the capability of the human spirit. It's pretty inspirational stuff. Have fun!


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